About us

Welcome to Houndbites, your go-to local source for homemade healthy dog treats nestled in the heart of South Queensferry. Our journey began during a routine vet visit with our cherished whippet, Innis. The vet playfully hinted that Innis was a bit "fluffy," a delightful consequence of our indulgence in his insatiable appetite.

In our quest for a healthier lifestyle for Innis, we stumbled upon simple recipes crafted from basic ingredients. Inspired by the success of our homemade treats, we've decided to share these nutritious delights with fellow dog lovers. Every recipe has undergone the rigorous taste test, approved by our discerning furry friend.

As you explore our site, know that it's born out of a genuine passion for providing both nutritious and delicious snacks for your furry companions. No over-the-top sales pitches here—just a friendly invitation to treat your pets to wholesome alternatives.

We appreciate you dropping by, and if you happen to spot the all-new, improved Innis on his walks, don't hesitate to say hello. And for your furry pals accompanying you, there might just be a delightful treat in store for them too! Enjoy the tail-wagging goodness that is Houndbites.